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Orthayu Balm in Islamabad


Orthayu Balm in Islamabad

OrthAyu Balm is a fair and mixed plan of top notch fundamental oils to help in the treatment of joint torments. The analgesic is produced using 17 viable home grown oils that have restorative and remedial properties that help assuage torment in the joints, neck, shoulder, back, legs, alongside solid torments and expanding with no results. 

Why OrthAyu Balm? 

The common fixings adequately follow up on joints and muscles disposing of torment and help decrease expanding, improving blood course, eliminating strain in muscles and fortifying bones. It diminishes agony and firmness, and different body hurts like knee torment, shoulder torment, back torment, joint inflammation, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and joint agonies Orthayu Balm in Islamabad. The analgesic is anything but difficult to utilize and gives moment alleviation. It enters the influenced zone in a split second and retains effectively without being oily. 

Orthayu Balm In Islamabad

OrthAyu Balm could be a reasonable and alloyed detailing of top quality fundamental oils to help inside the treatment of joint agonies. The analgesic is made from seventeen viable seasoner oils that have medicative and remedial properties that encourage soothe torment inside the joint. 


Ayurvedic Pain Relieving Balm 

Delayed Relief from Pain 

Brisk and Natural Relief from Pain 

Compelling in giving Instant Relief 

No Side Effects 

100% Ayurvedic 

Absolutely Herbal 

17 Important Benefits Of Orthayu Balm In Pakistan 

Fixes Joints Pain 

Alleviates Low Back Pain 

Fixes Swollen Joints 

Fixes Inflamed Joints 

Eases Sprain 

Fixes Strain (Over Stretched muscles) 

Alleviates Painful Muscles 

Eases Neck Strain 

Fixes Old Age Arthritis 

Fixes Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Ayurvedic Pain Relieving Ointment 

Drawn out Relief from Pain 

Speedy and Natural Relief from Pain 

Viable in giving Instant Relief 

No Side Effects 

100% Ayurvedic 

Simply Herbal 

Orthayu Balm in Islamabad

Most Important Ingredients Of Orthayu Balm In Pakistan 

Pudina Satva 

Pudina Satva is known to give a prompt cooling impact, making the torment region somewhat become numb and decrease torment. Pudina Satva alleviates the nerves, giving a quiet inclination to the body. 

Gandhpura Oil 

Gandhpura Oil is otherwise called 'Gaultheria Fragrantissima' and has calming and against fitful properties. Gandhpura oil use of 'Gandhpura' benefits in different agonies related with joints, muscles and ailment. 

Nilgiri Oil 

Nilgiri Oil has pain relieving and mitigating properties which helps in getting calm from joint torment. 

Rice Bran Oil 

It contains cell reinforcements and pain relieving or mitigating specialists that give quick help of a throbbing painfulness of muscles and joints. It has quick retaining properties that give brisk help from torment. 

Castor Oil 

It assists with animating the creation of antibodies in the body to battle against aggravation along these lines decreasing torment and expanding. The oil leaks in the skin diminishing irritation. 

Ajowan Satva 

Carom Seeds has anti-microbial and sedative properties that decrease redness, aggravation and calms expanding and torment. 

Instructions to Use Orthayu Balm In Pakistan 

Apply to the influenced zone 3 to 4 times each day including evenings. Back rub softly in roundabout movement to permit the medicine stir up into the muscles. 


If there should be an occurrence of pregnant and breastfeeding ladies, counsel a medical services proficient before use. 

On the off chance that torment continues, it would be ideal if you counsel your doctor. 

Try not to utilize if adversely affected by characteristic items or oils. 

Try not to apply of open injuries or consumes. 

Dodge contact with eyes, ears, mouth or nose. 

Avoid kids. 

Wash your hands when use. 

For External Use Only. 


Each individual is interesting. Results can and will differ from individual to individual. 

Orthayu Pain Relief Balm Price : 2500/ - PKR

Welcome To For Order Send Me Your Details | Name | Address | Number | . Your Order Will Be Delivered Within 2 Days Thanks ??..

HelpLine :: 03001578777


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